Good Links
The Unofficial YAMAHA PSR Resource Site
Jørgen Sørensen's sites.
We find a lot of excellent articles and links with interest for all PSR-users. He has created a lot of tools for
all matters about keyboards, styles and voices. Look at his CasmEdit, an fine software to edit the CASM
Osenenkos's Sites
Osenenko offers some free software, for example his well known CasmEdit. This program allows to create and
change styles.
Jeff Glatt:
All about MIDI
The famous old websites
Werner Ogrodniks Studio4all
Among other interesting articles Werner has published an instructive introduction about XG programming.
Languages: English and German.
General MIDI specification
Wikipedia Overview with a lot of links to related topics
YAMAHA XG and XF Specifications
Download the YAMAHA basic specifications of XG and XF.
PSR Tutorial
A homepage about YAMAHA keyboards with a lot of information and an active forum.
The Beggar's DB-50XG SysEx Guide
Although an old description, the guide upto now is a very good manual about the programming of XG effects. Not
only for DB-50XG, but necessary for all XG-programmers. The hlp files can be opened in elder Windows version
only, for example Win XP.
Synth Zone
A homepage with a lot of information about different keyboards and an active forum.
Thoralf Abgarjan's Yamaha Keyboard
A lot of excellent tutorials and helpful tools for modern Yamaha keyboards
Cakewalk by Bandlab Forum
Yamaha XG Recommendations
Guidelines summarize the points you need to be aware of when creating music data compatible with the Yamaha XG
Specification. April 20, 1995 ver.1.03 release
Pete's interpretation of the Cakewalk
.ins instrument file format
Pete Goodlife's complete and compact description of Cakewalk instrument definition files.
XG Guidebook
An elder but instructive workshop to learn the XG programming techniques.
Edwin van Veldhoven's Karakan
Download Karakan. The program is an excellent tool to prepare song texts for Andreas Dunckers's Lyrics Editor.
Look at the PSRUTI manual.
Casper tutorSynth - YouTube
Casper has published a lot of YouTube videos for Midifiles, Keyboards and Sequencer
PSRUTI - Installation and setup -
Inserting Chord information to MIDI -
PSRUTI - YouTube
Como ponerle letras y acordes a los
MIDIS - Tutorial PSRUTI -YouTube
An app from my son: Draw a Mountain
Holidays in the Alps: A nice app under windows and also under Android from Google Play Store. Fun for young and
Import and Export Lyrics - MIDI file -
dp-software: The Homepage of my son
Nothing about music, but some nice freeware computer games, 3D-pictures and a comfortable generator of