Purple Hearts hpmusic

PSR Data Structure

Structure of PSR-8000 song-archives
"Die Ablage von MIDI-Files des PSR-8000" is a pdf-document with some findings about the structure of song-archives, stored on floppy-disk by the PSR-8000.
Structure of song-archives PSR-8000 (deutsch)
The structure of registration of PSR-2000
"Structure Of Registration PSR-2000" is a pdf-document with some findings about the structure of registrations created by the PSR-2000.
Structure of registration PSR-2000 (english)
The structure of registration of PSR-8000
"Structure of Registration PSR-8000" is a MSWord document with some findings about the structure of registration archives created by the PSR-8000.
Structure of registration PSR-8000 (english)
Structure of registration PSR-8000 (deutsch)